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C O U R S E S   I N   E N G L I S H 

No personal registration at the location!

Please book online and just come

to your booked appointment.


To go to the booking page, please click

on the name of the course location.


Sat. 05.04.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sat. 05.04.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sun.  06.04.     Prenzlauer Berg Fahrschule Frenzel

Sun. 06.04.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Mi.   09.04.     Pankow  Gemeindehaus St.Georg

Sat. 12.04.     Friedrichshain Stadtmission

Sat.  12.04.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sun. 13.04.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sun. 13.04.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sat.  19.04.     Prenzlauer Berg Fahrschule Frenzel

Sat.  19.04.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sat.  19.04на русском Charlottenburg MediPoint

Dom. 20.04en español  Schöneberg FS Oscar

Sun. 20.04.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sun. 20.04.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Mi.    23.04.     Pankow  Gemeindehaus St.Georg

Sat. 26.04.     Friedrichshain Stadtmission

Sat.  26.04.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sun. 27.04.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sun. 27.04.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sat.  03.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sat.  03.05.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sat.  03.05на русском Charlottenburg MediPoint

Sun. 04.05.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sun. 04.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Mi.    07.05.     Pankow  Gemeindehaus St.Georg

Sat. 10.05.     Friedrichshain Stadtmission

Sat.  10.05.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sun. 11.05.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sun. 11.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sat.  17.05на русском Charlottenburg MediPoint

Sat.  17.05.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sat.  17.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sun. 18.05.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Mi.    21.05.     Pankow  Gemeindehaus St.Georg

Sat. 24.05.     Friedrichshain Stadtmission

Sat.  24.05.     Charlottenburg  MediPoint

Sat.  24.05en francais Schöneberg Auto-école Oscar

Sun. 25.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sat.  31.05.     Friedrichshain Stadtmission

Sat.  31.05.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar

Sun. 01.06.     Wedding  SprengelHaus

Sun. 01.06.     Schöneberg Fahrschule Oscar


Sab. 28.06.  em português  Schöneberg Autoescola Oscar


First aid for baby and child

(5x45 min = one evening)


Fri. 04.04.       Quick course for parents  OSCAR

Tue. 08.04.      Quick course for parents  Pfefferwerk

Sun. 13.04.            Wedding   SprengelHaus

Tue. 15.04.  EN FRANCAIS Cours rapide Pfefferwerk

Thu. 14.04.       ONLINE  First aid baby & child

Tue. 22.04.      Quick course for parents  Pfefferwerk

Sat. 26.04.            Kreuzberg   St.Martha Glogauer Str.

Fri. 02.05.        Quick course for parents  OSCAR

Sun. 04.05.            Wedding   SprengelHaus

Tue. 06.05.      Quick course for parents  Pfefferwerk

Sat. 10.05.            Kreuzberg   St.Martha Glogauer Str.

Mon. 12.05.        Friedrichshain Café einLaden

Sun. 18.05.            Wedding   SprengelHaus

Tue. 20.05.      Quick course for parents  Pfefferwerk

Sat. 24.05.            Kreuzberg   St.Martha Glogauer Str.

Mon. 26.05.        Friedrichshain Café einLaden

Fri. 30.05.        Quick course for parents  OSCAR

Tue. 03.06.      Quick course for parents  Pfefferwerk

Mon. 09.06.        Friedrichshain Café einLaden

Sun. 16.06.            Wedding   SprengelHaus

Fri. 13.06.        Quick course for parents  OSCAR

Sat. 21.06.            Kreuzberg   St.Martha Glogauer Str.

Mon. 23.06.        Friedrichshain Café einLaden

Tue. 24.06.  EN FRANCAIS Cours rapide Pfefferwerk

Fri. 27.06.       ONLINE  First aid baby & child



Berliner Stadtmission

Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Frankfurter Allee 96, 10247 Berlin


First aid courses every Saturday, alternating between German and English



Public transportation:

Our location in Friedrichshain is just a 3-minute walk from Frankfurter Allee S+U station.

Access from Müggelstraße via the 1st backyard. The course rooms are located in the 2nd courtyard.



Venue: Charlottenburg, Bismarckstraße


Bezirk Charlottenburg, Bismarckstr. 42/43 10627 Berlin

Our location at Bismarckstr. 42/43 is only a 3-minute walk from Bismarckstraße underground station (U2/U7). The classrooms are located on the second floor, left side.

Saturday, 10am – 5.30pm

Fahrschule Oscar Schöneberg

Venue: Schöneberg

in German, in English, en español

Driving School Oscar

Hauptstraße 92, 12159 Berlin

near S+U Innsbrucker Platz

You will find our location in Schöneberg in the driving school Oscar at Hauptstr. 92, only 3 minutes walking distance from the

S+U station Innsbrucker Platz (Ringbahn S41/S42 + U4). 

Every second Saturday 2 pm - 10 pm + every second Sunday 10 am - 6 pm

Next courses in English:

SATURDAY (2pm -9:30pm)

SUNDAY​​​​​​​​   (10am-5:30 pm)


Kurse auf Deutsch:​

Sonntag 10-17:30 Uhr​​​​​​​​​​


Cursos en español

Domingo 10:00-17:30

SprengelHaus Wedding

Venue: Wedding

SprengelHaus Wedding

Bezirk Mitte, Sprengelstraße 15, 13353 Berlin

You will find our location in Wedding in the beautiful Sprengelkiez.

You can reach SprengelHaus in only 4 min walking distance from U9 Amrumer Straße,
OR in only 6 min walking distance from U6+U9 Leopoldplatz.


From U6 + S-Ringbahn Wedding the way via Lynarstraße and Sparrplatz is also not too far (approx. 10 min).

The course takes place in the SprengelHaus on the ground floor, 1st rear building, left.

Public transportation:
400m from U9 Amrumer Str. or
600m from U6+U9 Leopoldplatz or

800m from U6 und S-Bahnhof Wedding.

Every Sunday course in English 10 am - 5.30 pm


Venue: Pankow

St. Georg parish hall, Kissingenstr. 33, 13189 Berlin

Our classroom is located in the parish hall of St George's Church, right next to the church, entrance from Kissingenstr. 33.

Public transport:

8 min walk from S+U Pankow (700m)

Bus line 250 stops directly in front of the house

Venue: Prenzlauer Berg

Frenzel Driving School

District Pankow - Prenzlauer Berg

Esmarchstraße 4

10407 Berlin

You will find our location in Prenzlauer Berg in the Bötzowviertel at the Fahrschule Frenzel at Esmarchstr. 4.

It is a 5-minute walk from the Hufelandstraße stop (tram M4), an 8-minute walk from the Bötzowstraße stop (bus 200) and a 10-minute walk from the Danziger Straße/Greifswalder Straße stop (tram M10).

First aid kids 🍼 Prenzlberg

Venue: Prenzlauer Berg
ONLY courses in First aid for baby & child


Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Fehrbelliner Str.92, Galerieraum, 10119 Berlin

Public transportation: U2 Senefelder Platz

The quick course for parents in first aid for babies and toddlers lasts 3 hours = 4 x 45 minutes. This time also includes a short break.

Your instructors are loving parents, trained paramedics and performers.

Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 PM

St. Martha, Parish Hall/ Women's Café
ONLY courses in First aid for baby & child

St. Martha, Parish Hall /  Women's Café, Glogauer Str. 22, 10999 Berlin

Saturday, 29.03.2025

10:30am - 02:30pm


You will find our course location in the women's café in the parish hall of St. Martha at Glogauer Str. 22 in 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg. The café is located in the courtyard in the right wing. There is a coffee kitchen and a children's playroom. On request, childcare is available in the playroom while you attend the course. Please feel free to ask:


Local transport connections:
Bus M29 Glogauer Straße
U1/U3 Schlesisches Tor (15 min)
U1/U3 Görlitzer Bahnhof (16 min)

Course Locations (English)


Charlottenburg, Bismarckstr. 42, 10627 Berlin

Fahrschule Frenzel 

Prenzlauer Berg, Esmarchstraße 4, 10407 Berlin

Fahrschule Nawrath

Marienfelde, Marienfelder Allee 197, 12279 Berlin

SprengelHaus Wedding 

Mitte, Sprengelstraße 15, 13353 Berlin

Backyard, side wing

Fahrschule Oscar

Schöneberg / Friedenau, Hauptstr. 92, 12159 Berlin

Locations for first aid babies & children


Prenzlauer Berg, Fehrbelliner Str. 92, Galerieraum, 10119 Berlin​

St.Martha Kreuzberg, Gemeindehaus

Berlin Kreuzberg, Glogauer Str. 22, 10999 Berlin​

Familienzentrum KIKIFLO

Berlin Friedrichsfelde, Volkradstr. 4, 10319 Berlin​

Familientreff Elisabethstift Wittenau

Oranienburger Str. 204, 13437 Berlin

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